

Written by Paul Fanning.

Originally found and posted on Pelgrane's site:

By Paul Fanning

A Fighter can accomplish many great deeds, fighting more fearsome foes and saving villages then regions then the world. But the Fighter is also essentially an action movie hero: more skilled than the average warrior or soldier, a little luckier, with grit and resolve that carry him through. He relies on himself, his sword, and his allies and wins the day. But, if the stories are to be believed, he is no Hercules, Achilles, Beowulf... or Mordred. These are characters with explicitly superhuman capabilities, often with a direct connection to the Icons of their land. 13th Age also has a spot open for a tough character with caster-like resource management. So the Stalwart was born.


Stories tell of some champions who serve or oppose the Icons—not through “borrowed” spells or magic; nor through mortal grit, training, or luck; but from a seemingly inherent supernatural strength, stamina, and force of arms. These stories (the mostly true ones, anyway) are talking about the Stalwart.

A Stalwart might be the blood relative of an Icon or fearsome monsters like giants . They may have been enchanted at infancy,  blessed after a unique initiation, or returned from seeming death with renewed purpose and power. Other stalwarts are brought by the Icons seemingly from nowhere, from across the sea or beyond the wastes, to join in their conflicts. And many say that the attention of an Icon can warp reality to create a Stalwart—that the belief that there exists a person who champions or threatens that Icon can empower a being to make it so.

Play Style: 
The Stalwart is a bit of a challenge to play thanks to Greatness powers that depend heavily on whether you last hit an enemy or were hit yourself, as well as the management of the many Stalwart powers that are daily or recharge resources. The class can be very engaging for the player who wants a “tough” character with a lot of choices during play.

Ability Scores: You need Strength and Constitution for the deeds of might and endurance you can perform. Some Stalwart attacks also reward high Dexterity.

The Stalwart gain a +2 class bonus to Strength or Constitution, as long as it isn’t the same ability you increase with your +2 racial bonus.

Races: Humans are the most common race for a Stalwart, which is fitting for such a seemingly mundane (to some) race that seems to have an undue(to many) influence over Icons and the world… and human adventurers seem almost likely to bear the blood or influence of something other than strictly humanoid.  Dwarves also have their share of stalwarts: some of the songs and lore telling of the absurd deeds of Dwarven warriors battling giants are actually true. Perhaps due to their unusual origins, members of the optional races have a high proportion of Stalwarts allied with or opposed to the Icons that are their alleged progenitors.

Backgrounds: Child of giants, enchanted by the Sorceress that raised you, warrior from across the sea, raised as the child of a god, commander of an imperial legion, infamous killer.

Icons: Like any adventurer, a Stalwart may feel the influence of any Icon. Traditionally, however, it is the Archmage, the Crusader, the Dwarf King, the Emperor, the Lich King, the Priestess, and the Three that empower the Stalwart. The Archmage, and those before him,  has been said to deliberately create Stalwarts he believes will do his work on the battlefield, while the Archmage toils in magic and isolation. Seeing threats everywhere, the Crusader is likely responsible for his share of Stalwarts who oppose him — though the fact that there are Stalwarts devoted to and seemingly empowered by the peaceable Priestess makes as much of a case for Icons creating Stalwarts unwillingly. The Dwarf King and the Emperor have feelings on Stalwarts similar to each other, hoping that “their” Stalwarts have no aspirations to the respective Icons crowns and are content battling their enemies. Stalwarts connected to the Lich King are said to be terrible things, bringers of death who may be unable to die.

Stalwart Armor and AC

Type Base AC Atk Penalty

None      11               -

Light       13              -

Heavy      15           -2

Shield       +1             -

Melee Weapons 

One-Handed                                   Two-Handed

Small                     1d4 dagger                                      1d6 club

Light or Simple    1d6 hammer, shortsword             1d8 spear

Heavy or Martial 1d8 longsword, warhammer      1d10 greatsword, greataxe

Ranged Weapons

                           Thrown                 Crossbow                                      Bow

Small                  1d4 dagger           1d4 hand crossbow (-2 atk)      —

Light or Simple 1d6 javelin           1d6 light crossbow (-2 atk)        1d6 shortbow

Heavy Martial   —                          1d8 (–2 atk) heavy crossbow    1d8 longbow


Stalwart Level Total Hit Points Total Feats Powers Known Pool Available Level Up Ability Bonuses Damage Bonus From Ability Score
Level 1 (8 + CON mod)x3 1 adventurer 4 1ST level   ability modifier
Level 2 (8 + CON mod)x4 2 adventurer 5 1ST level   ability modifier
Level 3 (8 + CON mod)x5 3 adventurer 5 3rd level   ability modifier
Level 4 (8 + CON mod)x6 4 adventurer 6 3rd level  +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (8 + CON mod)x8 4 adventurer, 1 champion 6 5TH level   2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (8 + CON mod)x10 4 adventurer, 2 champion 7 5TH level   2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (8 + CON mod)x12 4 adventurer, 3 champion 7 7TH level  +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (8 + CON mod)x16 4 adventurer, 3 champion, 1 epic 8 7TH level   3 x ability modifier
Level 9 (8 + CON mod)x20 4 adventurer, 3 champion, 2 epic 8 9TH level   3 x ability modifier
Level 10 (8 + CON mod)x24 4 adventurer, 3 champion, 3 epic 9 9TH level  +1 to 3 abilities 3 x ability modifier


Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Feats, and some Talents are level dependent.

Ability Bonus +2 Strength or Constitution (different from racial bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 13 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 10 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (7 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice (1d10 x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships 3 points
Talents 3
Feats 1 per Level


At 1st level, stalwarts start with a melee weapon or three, a ranged weapon or two if they want them, possibly some armor, and standard nonmagical gear that is suggested by the character’s backgrounds.

Stalwarts in direct service or opposition to an icon start with 25 gp in savings. Those trying to make their own way start with 1d6 x 10 gp.

Melee attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level


Greatness represents the belief in your power during the ups and downs of battle. Many of the stalwart’s powers function only when the stalwart has greatness. Greatness is either on or off– you either have greatness, or you don’t. The default is that you do not start a battle with greatness.

You gain greatness when you are hit by an enemy attack.

You lose greatness when you miss all enemies with an attack. You also lose greatness when you become unconscious, and when a battle ends.

The default is that you can use greatness powers without losing greatness, but a few powers specify that you must spend your greatness to use them. You don’t have to use attacks that require greatness against the foe you hit to gain that greatness.
Greatness powers that do not require you to spend your greatness are generally classified as interrupt actions. You can only use one interrupt action a round, which keeps your greatness powers from dominating the battle.

Empowered by Fate
You gain 1 relationship point with the Archmage, the Crusader, the Dwarf King, the Emperor, the Lich King, the Priestess, or the Three; you choose whether the point is positive, conflicted, or negative. This point can add to your normal relationship points but you can’t exceed the normal relationship maximums with it. (Remember that positive relationships with villainous icons like the Lich King or the Three are limited to 1 point).

When an ally rolls a 5 or a 6 on an icon relationship roll with the Icon(s) this feature gave you a relationship point with, start the next turn in battle with greatness.

Adventurer Feat: When you roll a 5 or a 6 on a relationship roll with the icon from this feature, start the next round in battle with greatness.
Champion Feat: 
Gain another relationship point with one of the above icons. As above, you must follow the relationship maximums.
Epic Feat: Gain another relationship point with one of the above icons. This point can exceed the relationship maximums.

Strength of Many
You can lift twice and support about as much weight as two otherwise identical creatures normally can, and can move normally while carrying about your own weight (or twice your weight total). You also gain the use ofpower stunt.

Power stunt: At the start of each battle, roll a d6. Any time after the escalation die reaches that number, you’ll be able to use a quick action to spend your greatness and execute a power stunt. Normally you can only use power stunt once per battle, but circumstances, geography, or excellent planning may suggest that you can pull it off more than once.

Power stunts are improvisational effects that play off your preternatural strength. Things like muscling an enemy out of your may or leaping over the head of that enemy, knocking a stalactite onto your opponent, forcing a foe onto a soggy patch of ground that slows them down, wedging your enemy’s sword into a stone floor, busting open a barrel of lamp oil into the eyes or under the feet of incoming foes, shaking the tree that brings the sniper that thought he was out of reach crashing down to earth, etc. Power stunt effects are something any strong character might be able to accomplish, except you do not to make a check while using power stunt. Gaining increased strength by spending feats on this feature may allow you to describe more incredible effects for power stunt, affecting more or larger foes.

Adventurer Feat: You instead lift, support, and move normally with a total of about five times the normal amount. Also, roll an additional d20 for power stunt (any time after the escalation die reaches that number, gain an additional use of power stunt this battle).
Champion Feat: 
You instead lift, support, and move normally with a total of about ten times the normal amount. Roll an additional d12 for power stunt instead of a d20.
Epic Feat: 
You instead lift, support, and move normally with a total of thirty or more times the normal amount.  Roll an additional d6 for power stunt instead of a d12.

Unarmed Attacks
Stalwart unarmed attacks are light/simple weapons that do 1d6 plus any applicable modifiers.

Champion Feat: When your natural melee attack roll equals the number currently showing on the escalation die, you can make an immediate basic unarmed melee attack against the same enemy as a free action.


Your base hit points are now 8.
Adventurer Feat: Your recovery dice are d12s while you have greatness.
Champion Feat: Your recovery dice are always d12s.

You are always affected by fear effects as if you were at full HP, and gain greatness when you successfully resist a fear effect.
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +2 to MD.

The relationship granted by Empowered by Fate may now be with the High Druid. You gain the Elementalist feature Elemental Bond and may improve it with feats up to your tier. In addition, you may select one Elementalist power of your level or lower instead of a Stalwart power. You may improve this power with feats normally.

Adventurer Feat: You may change any elements from the Elementalist class that you possess to use Constitution instead of Wisdom.
Champion Feat: You gain the Elemental Manipulation class feature, and may improve it with feats up to your tier.
Epic Feat: You gain an additional Elementalist power of your level or lower and may improve it.

When you hit an enemy that has more hit points than you with an attack, increase the damage of that attack by their level.

Champion Feat: Once per battle, instead increase the damage by twice their level.
Epic Feat: 
Once per day, instead increase the damage by five times their level.

When you are hit by an attack from an enemy with fewer hit points than you, reduce that attacks damage by your level.

Champion Feat: Once per battle, instead reduce the damage by twice your level.
Epic Feat: Once per day, instead reduce the damage by five times your level.

You use strength rather than dexterity when determining AC in no armor, when making ranged weapon attacks and when using stalwart powers.

You gain resistance 16+ to two of Cold, Fire, or Poison. You are vulnerable to the other type.

Adventurer Feat: You lose the vulnerability.

You can grab a creature using the normal grab rules, with a successful strength+level vs. PD attack as a standard action.

Adventurer Feat: If you wish, you move and are moved when grabbed or grabbing as if you were one size larger.
Champion Feat:  If you wish, instead you move and are moved when grabbed or grabbing as if you were two sizes larger.
Epic Feat: If you wish, you can move any creature when grabbing it, and cannot be moved by any creature grabbing you.

You wield, forge, or improvise oversized weapons. While you have greatness, increase your weapon and unarmed damage dice by one step.

Champion Feat: Instead, increase your weapon and unarmed damage dice by one step whether or not you have greatness.



Ranged attack
Special: When the escalation die is even, you may use this power while unarmed (having picked up an appropriate rock etc.) using your unarmed damage. You may also use this attack at any time with a melee weapon you are holding… but it doesn’t return to you unless it would normally do so.
Target: One far away enemy
Dexterity + level vs.  AC.
Weapon + dexterity + constitution damage.
Damage equal to your level.

Ranged attack
16+ after the battle
Free action, requires greatness
You reduce an enemy to zero hit points with a ranged weapon attack
One enemy that was in a group with, or farther away than, the triggering enemy
Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: Weapon + Dexterity damage
Damage equal to your level
Adventurer Feat: You may also use this power if the triggering attack staggers an enemy.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 11+
Epic Feat: As long as your attack staggers an enemy or reduces them to zero hit points, you may keep making this powers attack against enemies in the same group, or who are farther away from you.

Melee attack
Quick action, requires greatness
One creature
Strength + Level vs. PD.
You grab the target.
 You may use this power as a free action when an enemy attempts to disengage from you, by spending your greatness.
Adventurer Feat: 
You may use a standard action on your turn to deal one-half of unarmed + constitution damage to a target you have grabbed.

Greatness power
At-will (once per round)
Interrupt action; requires greatness
Trigger: You are subjected to a condition, or an effect a save can end.
Roll a saving throw. On a success, you are not subjected to the condition, or you save against the effect.
Special: You may use this power when first subjected to a last-gasp effect, to make a free saving throw against it.
Champion Feat: You may use this power to save against an effect that lasts until the end of your or the triggering attacker’s next turn

Melee attack
Each enemy engaged with you
Strength + Level – the number of targets vs. AC
Damage: WEAPON damage
Miss: -
Adventurer Feat: 
Do damage equal to your level on a miss.
Champion Feat: Add your strength modifier to the damage on a hit.

Melee attack
One non-staggered non-mook enemy
Strength +  targets Level vs. AC
Damage: WEAPON + Strength + Constitution Damage.
: Damage equal to your level.
Champion Feat: Instead of the targets level, you may add your level to the attack roll.

Greatness power
11+ after the battle
Interrupt action; requires greatness
Trigger: You are damaged by an attack
You heal using a recovery.
Adventurer Feat: You may use this power when you hit an enemy with an attack.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 6+


Greatness power
At-will (once per round)
Interrupt action, requires greatness
Special: You ordinarily use this power while holding a ranged weapon. When the escalation die is even, you may use this power while unarmed (having picked up an appropriate rock etc.) by spending  your  greatness. You may also use this attack at any time with a melee weapon you are holding… but it doesn’t return to you unless it would normally do so. 
One nearby or far away enemy rolls for a ranged attack vs. ac that targets one creature.
Effect: Roll dexterity + level -2. If your roll equals or exceeds the triggering roll, the triggering attack has no effect. Otherwise, this power has no effect.
Champion Feat: 
This power works against attacks that target PD.
Epic Feat: 
This power works against attacks that can target one group of far away creatures, but you must equal or exceed the highest attack roll for this power to have any effect. If successful, this power complete negates the triggering attack.

Recharge 11+ after the battle
Move Action
Special: You must not be engaged with any enemy
Effect: Place yourself next to one nearby enemy you can see, that you could have (eventually) reached normally—you move right where fate needs you to be, or you were there all along.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 6+
Epic Feat: You may place yourself next to any enemy you can see.

Melee or ranged attack
This must be your first attack this battle
One enemy you are engaged with (melee) or one far away enemy (ranged)
Strength (melee) or dexterity (ranged) + level vs. PD
Weapon + Weapon + constitution + strength (melee) or  dexterity (ranged) damage, and half as much ongoing damage. You gain greatness.
Half damage, and you regain the power during your next quick rest. You lose greatness and cannot regain it until after your next turn.

Greatness power
11+ after the battle
Interrupt action, requires greatness
Trigger: Your hit points are reduced below 1.
You do not fall unconscious, but continue to track your hit points, and make death saving throws at the end of each turn. You die when you reach negative half your hit points, or when you fail your fourth death saving throw this battle. You do fall unconscious if you lose greatness, or at the end of the battle if you are still below one hit point.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 6+

Greatness power
At-Will (once per round)
Interrupt action; requires greatness
Trigger: A melee attack that targets AC hits you.
You take half damage from that attack.
Adventurer Feat: The power also triggers on an attack against PD.
Champion Feat: 
The power also triggers on a ranged attack.
Epic Feat: 
Once per day, you can use bat aside to take damage equal to the attacker’s level instead of half damage.

Melee attack
16+ after the battle
You must spend your greatness.
Target: One enemy you have grabbed.
Strength + Level vs. PD
Hit: Weapon + strength + constitution damage. On a natural even attack roll, the target takes ongoing damage equal to 1d3 times your level. On a natural roll of 16+, the target is weakened.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Effect: The target is no longer grabbed by you, and gets a free disengage check.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 11+
Epic Feat: 
Once per day, you may reroll the attack roll for this power and choose either result.


Melee or Ranged attack
Recharge: 16+ after the battle
You must spend your greatness
Strength (melee) or dexterity(ranged) + level vs. PD
Weapon + constitution +strength(melee) or dexterity(ranged). The target is also stuck (on an odd attack roll), dazed (on an even attack roll), or vulnerable (on a roll of 16+). One hard save ends all.
 Half damage.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 11+.
Epic Feat: You may add or subtract 3 from the result of this powers attack roll.

Melee attack
Special: You must have a creature grabbed, that you can move while grabbing; requires greatness
Target: 1d2+1 enemies engaged with you except for the creature you have grabbed.
Strength + level  –number of targets vs. PD.
Half of Unarmed + Constitution damage. The creature you have grabbed also takes this damage on each hit.
Champion Feat: 
This power now targets 1d4+2 enemies engaged with you.
Epic Feat: Add your constitution modifier to the miss damage.

Greatness power
At-will (once per round)
Interrupt action, or a quick action on your turn; requires greatness
If used as an interrupt, you fall safely to the ground. If used on your turn, you gain flight until the end of your turn.

Ranged attack
16+ after the battle
1d4+1 enemies
You must make this attack with a melee weapon you are holding. It returns to your hand after the attack is resolved.
Attack: Dexterity + level vs. AC
Weapon + dexterity damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level.
Champion Feat: Recharge is now 11+.


Ranged attack
Recharge: 16+ after the battle
You must have both hands free. Or if you have greatness, you must have a creature grabbed, that you can move while grabbing.
1d4+1 nearby enemies in a group.
Effect: If you made this attack with a grabbedit is no longer grabbed by you and becomes an additional target in the targeted group.
Hit: Unarmed + strength damage, and the target loses its next move action. Allies engaged with the target take one quarter damage.
Half damage. Allies engaged with the target take one quarter damage.

Champion Feat: Recharge is now 11+
Epic Feat: 
This power can instead target 1d4+2 far away enemies in a group.

Close quarters power
Special: You may use this power only once per level.
Trigger: You die.
Effect: You return to life the morning after you died. You start the new day with one quarter of your hit points and recoveries, and all of your daily abilities expended. You cannot gain greatness until the turn after a non-mook enemy of your level or greater hits you with an attack.

Epic Feat: You may use this power to instead revive a dead ally.


Close quarters attack
16+ after battle
You must spend your greatness
Target: 1d3 groups of 1d3+1 nearby enemies.
Attack: Strength + level vs. PD.
Weapon + strength damage. The target also takes weapon + constitution ongoing damage and is stuck (save ends both). Allies engaged with the target take one quarter damage.
 Half damage, and the target loses its next move action. Allies engaged with the target take one quarter damage.
Epic Feat: Recharge is now 11+

Greatness power
:  11+ after battle
Interrupt action, you must spend your greatness
A creature attacks you or a nearby ally with an attack vs. PD or AC that can target more than one creature.
Target: The triggering creature.
: You move nearer to the triggering creature or targeted ally without provoking opportunity attacks. Roll constitution + level + the number of targets in the triggering attack. If your roll equals or beats the attacker’s highest roll, the  triggering attack misses you, misses the triggering enemy, and no longer targets any allies. If your roll is less than the highest attack roll, the triggering attack hits you and is a critical hit, and no longer targets any allies.
Epic Feat: 
On a successful roll, the triggering enemy is instead hit by the triggering attack. On a failure, they are missed instead.


You gain the use of one stalwart power of your level or lower, and may improve it with feats up to your tier. Once per day when you end a battle with greatness, you may reroll the recharge roll for an Elementalist power.

Adventurer Feat: You may substitute wisdom for constitution when using stalwart powers.
Champion Feat: Gain greatness at the start of the next turn in battle when an ally rolls a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship roll with the High Druid.
Epic Feat: 
Gain a second stalwart power.

You gain the use of one Stalwart power of your level or lower, and may improve it with feats up to your tier. You do not use the normal method of gaining or losing greatness.  Instead, you gain greatness when you hit with an even roll of 12+ on an attack and lose it when you miss with an odd roll of 11 or less on an attack. You may lose one fighter maneuver to gain one more stalwart power.

Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, you may spend greatness to reroll a flexible attack that hit.
Champion Feat: 
 You gain the use of power stunt once per day.
Epic Feat: Gain another stalwart power.

You gain the use of two stalwart powers of your level or lower, and may improve them with feats up to your tier.

Adventurer Feat: You may substitute Charisma for Constitution for any Stalwart power you possess.
Champion Feat: Gain an Icon Relationship point with the Crusader or the Priestess. You must stay within normal relationship maximums.
Epic Feat: 
Gain another stalwart power.

You gain the Stalwart’s unarmed attacks feature and may permanently gain one stalwart power slot of your level or lower in exchange for a sorcerer spell slot. You may improve stalwart powers with feats up to your tier. Once per day, you may spend greatness to instantly empower a sorcerer spell.

Adventurer Feat: Substitute Charisma for Strength while making unarmed attacks or using stalwart powers.
Champion Feat:  You may empower stalwart powers.
Epic Feat: You may permanently lose a second sorcerer spell slot to gain a stalwart power slot.

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  • The fluff and the feature "Strength of many" are great, it is the class talents where this starts to lose me.
    Legion of One, Godslayer and Stride the world all seem over powered.
    The 3rd level power "Bat Aside" is just right out.

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  • Colossal Stamina does nothing in your current version, by the by. Also, the class is a little feat starved from levels 1 - 4.

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