Redcaps Expanded
Well, I loved the redcaps, sadistic creeps they are, and based on the hierarchy of their blood-stained caps, decided that some new ones would be nice. By nice I mean mean. Enjoy!
Whilst their caps have no blood yet on them, you should still be very afraid. After all, they're dying for a first victim. So will you.
1st Level Mook [Humanoid]
Prickly Spork: +3 vs AC; 3 damage
Miss: 1 damage and the miss damage of all Whitecaps in the battle increases by 1. Cumulative.
[Special Trigger] Pop out and Mob 'em: +6 vs MD; Target is stuck as log as there are two or more Whitecaps engaged with it. Hard save (16+) ends.
Miss: 1 Psychic Damage ad the miss damage of all whitecaps in the battle increases by 1. Cumulative.
Impossible teleport: When the whitecap scores a critical hit OR when a PC or a player at the table says the bad word, the whitecap can teleport to a nearby hidden location it can see as a free action.
Pop-out surprise: When the whitecap starts its turn and no enemy can see it, it can make a pop-out and mob ‘em attack that turn as a standard action.
AC: 12 PD: 12 MD: 12
Now, once the crutycap's cap has literally become a weapon, you're in for treble trouble.
8th Level Wrecker [Humanoid]
How is that thing holding a f**cking greatsw-aaarrrghh *gurgle*: +9 vs AC; 60 damage.
Miss: 30 Damage
Fumble: This Redcap's Bad Word is revealed.
Space-bending Malice: When the bad word is spoken. the next Greatsword attack may target far away enemies.
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