
Dwarf Champion

Written by Andre C..

Dwarf Champion

Double-strength 7th level wrecker [HUMANOID]

Initiative: +12

AC 23

PD 21

MD 17

HP 220

Skull-splittin' axe +12 vs. AC (2 attacks)---42 damage.

Natural 16+: the Champion Dwarf may perform a Demoralizing Shout as a free action.

C: Demoralizing Shout: +14 vs. MD (1d3 nearby enemies)---28 ongoing psychic damage.

Natural 16-18: While the target is taking the ongoing psychic damage, it is dazed (-4 attacks).

Natural 19-20: While the target is taking the ongoing psychic damage, it is hampered and dazed.

Escalation die is even:  As a free action, the Champion Dwarf may pop free from any enemy taking psychic damage.

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