Contarius, kenku necromancer
1st level kenku necromancer
Initiative +3
AC 12 PD 11 MD 14.
Hollow Bones: Critical threat range for attacks against Contarius is expanded by 2.
HP: 12
Black dagger Melee basic. +3 vs. AC; 1d4+2 negative energy damage and Contarius gains temp HP equal to the escalation die.
Ghostly Swarm: Ranged spell, at-will. +5 vs MD; 1d4+4 ongoing negative energy damage. The subject has to take a standard action to swat away the spirits, allowing them to roll a normal save (11+). Miss: 1 damage.
Summon Undead: Daily, creates 1d3+1 crumbling skeletons
Deathknell: Enemies nearby Contarius die if they have 5 hp or fewer, and Contarius or a nearby ally heals 1d6 HP.
Flock Together: Allies attacking an enemy engaged with Contarius add 1 to their critical threat range.
Sorta Dead: Contarius chooses whether to count as undead or not for spells and effects. Contarius gets one ‘get out of death free’ card per PC level.
Missing Leg: Is stuck unless the escalation die is even.
Ritual Caster
Cantrips: Contarius can cast most basic wizard cantrips, but not mending or light.
Death Priest: Contarius can spend his Icon relationship dice to speak with the dead. He has two points in the Lich King (ie, any dead person) and one in The Emperor (anyone associated with the Empire)
Find shiny things +7
Reluctant necromancer +7
Trickery and mimicry +6
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