

Written by Martin K.

azer by beastysakura-d6bvy2lAzer are dwarven clans who ventured too deep below ground and came back transformed. They claim that they had to infuse their bodies with essence from the elemental plane of fire to burn off the madness caused by the poison coming from below. Whether that is true or not, the flames have not just transformed their bodies, but also their minds. The fires have burned away most of their sanity, and they enter battle with a fierce rage that only gets worse as combat rages on.

Veteran troops of the Dwarf King who have experience fighting their Azer brethren know that most fights against Azer are either a quick victory or a hasty retreat. As the combat rages on, the flames in their hearts light up and they become more dangerous.

Most Azer clans have a fragile alliance with the Red Dragon. Slightly more sane members of their race can be found working the smithies of Drakkenhall.

2nd level versions

Azer Berserker

Normal 2nd level Wrecker Humanoid

Initiative: +10

Flaming axes +7 vs. AC (2 attacks)—5 + escalation die damage

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals the escalation die in fire damage to the attacker.

Resist fire 12+

AC 16 PD 17 MD 12 HP 40

Azer Firegazer

Normal 2nd level Leader Humanoid

Initiative: +10

C: Mesmerizing Flames +8 vs. MD (1 nearby or far away enemy)—5 + escalation die fire damage
Natural 16+: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn

Raise the heat: Free action when Azer Firegazer is reduced to zero hp. Increase the escalation die by one.

Burning Recovery: Standard action. All nearby creatures with fire resistance regain 5 + escalation die.

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals the escalation die in fire damage to the attacker.

Resist fire 12+

AC 18 PD 13 MD 15 HP 33

Azer Magma Hurler

Normal 2nd level Archer Humanoid

Initiative: +10

R: Ball of Magma +6 vs. PD (1 nearby or far away enemy)—8 + escalation die fire damage
Natural 18+: Deal the escalation die in fire damage to 1d3 random nearby creatures (including allies)

C: Magma Splash +6 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies)—3 + escalation die fire damage
Miss: half damage

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals the escalation die in fire damage to the attacker.

Resist fire 12+

AC 18 PD 17 MD 12 HP 33

Azer Hearthguard

Normal 2nd level Blocker Humanoid

Initiative: +10

Flaming Fists +8 vs. AC—6 + escalation die fire damage

Flaming Grasp: If a creature attempts to disengage from Azer Hearthguard, he deals the escalation die in fire damage to it.

Burn it off: Quick action. The Hearthguard ends an effect on him that a save can end and takes 1 + escalation die damage.

Wall of Fire: Block off a passage with a wall of fire. Creatures who pass the wall take 8 + escalation die fire damage. Save (11+) to take half damage. Creatures with fire resistance take no damage.

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals the escalation die in fire damage to the attacker.

Resist fire 12+

AC 20 PD 18 MD 14 HP 45


5th level versions 

Azer Berserker

Normal 5th level Wrecker Humanoid

Initiative: +13

Flaming axes +10 vs. AC (2 attacks)—12 + 1d6 fire damage

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals 1d6 fire damage to the attacker.

Burning Battleheart: If the escalation die is 2+, increase all 1d6 above to 2d6. At 4+, increase to 3d6.

Resist fire 16+

AC 19 PD 20 MD 15 HP 80


Azer Firegazer

Normal 5th level Leader Humanoid

Initiative: +13

C: Mesmerizing Flames +11 vs. MD (1 nearby or far away enemy)—12 + 1d6 fire damage
Natural 16+: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn

Raise the heat: Free action when Azer Firegazer is reduced to zero hp. Increase the escalation die by one.

Burning Recovery: Standard action. All nearby creatures with fire resistance regain 10 + 1d6 hp.

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals 1d6 fire damage to the attacker.

Burning Battleheart: If the escalation die is 2+, increase all 1d6 above to 2d6. At 4+, increase to 3d6.

Resist fire 16+

AC 21 PD 16 MD 18 HP 65


Azer Magma Hurler

Normal 5th level Archer Humanoid

Initiative: +13

R: Ball of Magma +9 vs. PD (1 nearby or far away enemy)—20 + 1d6 fire damage
Natural 18+: Deal 1d6 fire damage to 1d3 random nearby creatures (including allies)

C: Magma Splash +9 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies)—8 + 1d6 fire damage
Miss: half damage

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals 1d6 fire damage to the attacker.

Burning Battleheart: If the escalation die is 2+, increase all 1d6 above to 2d6. At 4+, increase to 3d6.

Resist fire 16+

AC 21 PD 20 MD 15 HP 65


Azer Hearthguard

Normal 5th level Blocker Humanoid

Initiative: +13

Flaming Fists +11 vs. AC—15 + 1d6 fire damage

Flaming Grasp: If a creature attempts to disengage from Azer Hearthguard, he deals 1d6 fire damage to it.

Burn it off: Quick action. The Hearthguard ends an effect on him that a save can end and takes 1d6 damage.

Wall of Fire: Block off a passage with a wall of fire. Creatures who pass the wall take 20 + 1d6 fire damage. Save (11+) to take half damage. Creatures with fire resistance take no damage.

Lava blood: When the Azer is hit by an enemy he is engaged with, he deals 1d6 fire damage to the attacker.

Burning Battleheart: If the escalation die is 2+, increase all 1d6 above to 2d6. At 4+, increase to 3d6.

Resist fire 16+

AC 23 PD 21 MD 17 HP 90



Image credit: Azer by Beastysakura

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