Shadow, Shade
“Born from a frenzied hatred of life this creature has but one desire. Slay all life.”
level 4 mook [undead]
Initiative: +4
Vulnerability: holy
Shadowy touch +9 vs. PD (two attacks)— 3 negative energy damage
natural even hit: may make a Shade Blast attack as a free action (once per round).
C: Shade Blast +9 vs. MD - 7 negative energy damage
Blend With Shadow: As a creature from the plane of shadow the Shadow may become two dimensional as a free action, allowing it to pass under doors and flow up walls and along ceilings etc. The Shadow may be forced out of this state by confronting it with a bright light.
Clinging Darkness: The Shade is like a dog with a bone and just doesn’t want to let go, -4 to disengage from a Shade.
Creature of Shadow (Resist weapons 16+): When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage.
AC: 18
PD: 14 HP: 14 (damage to kill one mook)
MD: 16
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