
Barbarian Talent - Fury

Written by Lawolf.


Once per turn, when you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you may gain 1 point of fury. You may spend these fury points to perform special barbarian maneuvers. You lose all unspent fury during a quick rest. You know 3 barbarian maneuvers.

Adventurer Tier Feat: You learn an additional barbarian maneuver.
Champion Tier Feat: You start every battle with 1 point of fury.
Epic Tier Feat: One battle per day you may use a quick action to gain 3 points of fury.

Barbarian Maneuvers

All-Out Attack
Standard Action
Fury Cost: 1
Effect: Make a melee attack. Roll 2d20 to hit instead of 1d20. Use the higher roll for the attack.
Special: Until the end of your next turn you have a -4 penalty to your AC and PD.

Standard Action
Fury Cost: 1
Effect: Make a melee attack. You may target PD instead of AC for this attack.

Quick Action
Fury Cost: 3
Effect: You rage for free (it does not expend a use of your rage).

Iron Will
Interrupt Action
Fury Cost: 1
Trigger: You are hit by an attack that targets your MD.
Effect: The attacker must re-roll the attack.

Standard Action
Fury Cost: 1
Effect: Make a melee attack. If the attack hits, your target pops free from you.
Special: This maneuver has a lot of improvisational use (knocking enemies off ledges, into your allies, etc).

Standard Action
Fury Cost: 2
Effect: Make a melee attack. If the attack hits, the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Quick Action
Fury Cost: 2
Trigger: You score a critical hit against an enemy.
Effect: Make a melee attack against the triggering enemy.

Standard Action
Fury Cost: 2
Effect: Make a separate melee attack against up to three different creatures you are engaged with.

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