Barbarian talents
Adventurer Talents
Bear's Endurance
Add your Constitution modifier to saving throws to end effects, and to death saves.
Adventurer Feat: When you start raging, you can make a saving throw against all effects that a save can end as a free action.
Champion Feat: While raging, you only take half damage from ongoing damage.
Child of the Wild
Choose a terrain where you are at home. The categories are similar to the druid's Terrain Caster talent (1. cave, dungeon, underworld; 2. forest, woods; 3. ice, snowfields, tundra; 4. Kooru behemoth; 5. mountains; 6. plains, overworld; 7. ruins; 8. swamp, lake, river).
You gain 5 points towards a background connected to the terrain, and resist 12+ of an appropriate element, such as cold for tundra or poison for swamps. You take no damage from natural hazards of the chosen terrain.
When you spend a full healup in your home terrain, you gain 2 bonus recoveries, and you roll d12 recovery dice for the day.
Adventurer Feat: While on your home terrain, you can reroll any naturally odd failed save once.
Champion Feat: Increase your resistance to 16+.
Epic feat: You rage for free when you home terrain is threatened.
Deadly Twins
When you fight with two weapons, add your Dexterity modifier to damage, in addition to Strength. Double this bonus at 5th level, triple it at 8th.
Adventurer Feat: When you wield two weapons while raging, gain a +1 bonus to melee attacks.
Champion Feat: When you wield two weapons and intercept an enemy, immediately make a saving throw. If you succeed, make a melee attack against that enemy as a free action.
Epic Feat: Your melee attacks deal maximum damage against mooks.
Giant Blood
You stand a full head taller than the other members of your race. In your huge hands, normal weapons feel like toothpicks, and you prefer giant swords and axes that the puny townsfolk couldn't even lift.
Increase your damage dice with heavy two-handed weapons to d12.
Adventurer feat: When you are hit by a large or huge enemy, you can make a hard saving throw as an interrupt action to turn the attack into a miss.
Champion Feat: When you dodge an attack with this talent, you can also make a melee attack against the attacker as a free action. If you score a critical hit with this attack, that enemy is hampered (save ends).
At the dawn of time, the elven tribes lived as nomads, following the seasons and the herds in a vast, empty land free of modern cities and corruption. But where the elves roamed free, so did the monsters. The elves relied on their Giouya Warriors to protect them and slay the beasts that threatened them. The Giouya were possessed by spirits, fighting with a fierceness and grace that has not been matched since.
As the elves built their first city and chose their first king, the Giouya stayed in the wilds, outcasts whose uncontrollable bursts of rage were no longer needed behind the protection of stone walls. At the high elven court, their combat arts turned into a performance, as the form prevailed but the soul was lost. The tradition prevailed with the wood elves and the dark elves, but practitioners are viewed with suspicion, as rebels who reject the civilization that the monarchy brought.
While raging, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses.
The first time an enemy misses you with a melee attack during a rage, make a melee attack against that enemy as an interrupt.
Adventurer feat: While raging, you gain a +3 bonus to disengage checks.
Champion feat: While raging, missed attacks deal no damage to you.
Epic feat: Increase the defense bonus to +2.
The Mountainheart are an ancient dwarven clan who chose to live on the surface when their homeland was destroyed during the war with the dark elves. The following talents are most common among dwarves, but any barbarian can choose them.
When an attack would take you below 0 hit points while raging, you can immediately end the rage and negate all damage from the attack.
Adventurer Feat: When you use this talent, you recharge your recharge after the battle on a roll of 6+.
Champion Feat: When you use this power, pop free from all enemies and charge the attacker (engage and make a melee basic attack).
Epic feat: You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for your Rage for each relationship point with the Dwarf King.
Oath of Vengeance
Choose one icon that has wronged you in the past, resulting in a negative relationship. Whenever you face a servant of that icon, or a creature connected to it, you can start raging for free.
(Note: The shape of the badges in the core book monster entries tells their icon relationship)
Adventurer Feat: Your intimate knowledge of your sworn enemies allows you to reroll a natural odd result on a skill check against them once per scene.
Champion Feat: You can choose a second icon.
Champion Feat: Once per battle, when you score a critical hit against your sworn enemy, you can increase the escalation die by 1.
Primal Rage
Choose a beast form aspect from the druid's Shifter talent. You can activate this beast aspect any time while you Rage to gain the initiative effect.
You can change your chosen aspect with a short ritual during a full heal-up.
Adventurer Feat: You gain the adept effect of your chosen aspect, and you can spend feats on it.
Champion Feat: Choose a second aspect. You can activate either aspect during a rage.
Note: Increasing your critical threat range by +2 during rage means that your attack is a crit if either the higher roll is natual 18+ or both rolls are natural 11+.
Raging Revenant
You have already died and returned, or nearly so. You are Sorta Dead as per the necromancer talent. Your backgrounds and One Unique Thing should tell the story why.
You gain the Strike from the Grave power.
Strike from the Grave
Special: You can use this power only while below 0 hp and unconscious, when you succeed at a death save.
Effect: You sink into the ground and spend a recovery. Reappear anywhere nearby on solid ground, and make a melee basic attack.
Adventurer Feat: If you miss with the attack, you deal half damage as negative energy damage.
Champion Feat: On a natural 18+ with the attack, the target is stunned.
Epic Feat: The recovery is free.
Champion Talents
Defiance against the Gods
You do not care whether they are considered good or evil, you believe that man determines his own fate, and does not bow to higher beings.
You gain resist holy and negative energy 18+.
Champion feat: If a creature is vulnerable to holy or negative energy, it is also vulnerable against your attacks.
You gain a counterspell ability similar to blue dragons. When an enemy targets you with a spell, you can roll a hard save (16+) as an interrupt action. Success means the spell has no effect on you. If the level of the spell (or creature) is lower than your level, reduce the difficulty to a normal save (11+). This ability also protects against monster attacks that are similar to spells, such as a beholder's eye rays.
When you successfully counter a spell, you can pop free from all enemies and charge the caster (engage and make a basic melee attack) as a free action.
Epic Feat: For each point of relationship you have with a draconic icon, you gain a +2 bonus to the save roll.
Wall of Axes
When an enemy triggers an opportunity attack from you with an attack (such as a ranged attack or spell), and you hit, the enemy's attack is an automatic miss.
Epic Feat: When an enemy makes a successful saving throw to disengage from you, it still draws an opportunity attack from you, but the attack does half damage on a hit.
Choose a sorcerer dragon breath spell of your level or lower. You gain that spell as a class power. You also gain a +1 bonus to the recharge roll of your dragon breath spell for each point of relationship you have with a draconic icon.
You can use Constitution instead of Charisma for attack and damage with the spell.
Champion Feat: While you’re raging, your dragon breath spell gains the same benefit as your melee attacks—Roll 2d20 for the spell’s attack rolls, and if both natural rolls are 11+, you score a critical hit.
Epic Feat: When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, if the escalation die is 4+ and you have your dragon breath spell available, you can use it as a free action.
Epic Talents
Killing Frenzy
When you score a critical hit with a melee attack against a target, roll a d10 before rolling damage. If the result is lower than the escalation die, you kill the target.
Epic Feat: When you kill a target with this power, you can heal using a free recovery.
Slaying Charge
Once per day, when you start raging, your next melee attack that turn targets 1d4+1 nearby enemies. You pop free of each foe you attack and move to the next one as a free action.
Epic Feat: If none of the attacks hit, you do not expend this power.
Tribal War Chief
These talents are found in barbarians who have been chosen to lead their people, be it by birth, merit, or the will of the gods.
Voice of the War Chief - Adventurer
Choose a Battle Cry of your level or lower from the bard’s list. You gain this Battle Cry as a class power.
Adventurer Feat: You gain a second Battle Cry.
Champion Feat: When using a Battle Cry, both you and one ally benefit from it.
Epic Feat: Once per day, you and each ally who can hear you can benefit from your Battle Cry.
Thin the Enemy Ranks - Adventurer
When you deal damage to mook enemies only with an attack, reroll all damage dice that come up as 1. Once per battle, make a melee attack against a mook as a quick action.
Adventurer Feat: When you miss with a melee attack against a mook, deal half damage with that attack instead.
Champion Feat: When you deal damage to mook enemies only with an attack, reroll all damage dice that come up as 1 or 2.
Epic Feat: You can make a melee attack against a mook as a quick action once per round instead of once per battle.
The Pack Circles the Prey - Champion
When you score a critical hit against an enemy, the crit range of each of your allies attacks expands by 4 against that target until the start of your next turn.
Champion Feat: The target takes a cumulative –1 penalty to its next attack for each hit it takes before its next turn.
Epic Feat: The target is hampered until the start of your next turn; and, if they’re a creature that can normally use recoveries, cannot use recoveries until the start of your next turn.
Winter Storm
The following talents are taught by the clans of the icy northern wastes.
Rage of the North Wind - Adventurer
While raging, you are surrounded by icy winds. At the end of your turn, each enemy engaged with you takes cold damage equal to your Constitution modifier. At 5th level, double the Constitution damage. At 8th level, triple it.
Adventurer Feat: When you start raging, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD until the start of your next turn.
Champion Feat: While you are raging, enemies take a –5 penalty to disengage from you.
Epic Feat: The AC and PD bonus lasts until your rage ends.
Break the Ice - Champion
You gain the break the ice daily power. You can make the following close-quarters attack as a standard action:
Target: One enemy
Attack: Constitution + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d4 per level + Constitution damage and the target is hampered (save 11+ ends). If the target is staggered after the attack, it is frozen instead (save 11+ ends).
Frozen: A frozen target cannot take actions and is immune to all attacks and damage, except damage dealt with blunt melee weapons (such as a warhammer). If such an attack deals at least 5 times the enemy’s level in damage, the target is destroyed and its body is shattered into pieces.
Miss: Cold damage equal to your level.
Champion Feat: Increase the saving throw against this effect to hard difficulty (16+).
Epic Feat: This power is now recharge 16+ after battle instead of daily.
Ice Panzer - Epic
Once per day as a quick action, you can encase yourself in a thick layer of ice. This adds 30 points of cold damage to your melee weapon attacks. At the end of your turn, you deal 30 points of cold damage to any enemies that have grabbed or swallowed you.
When hit by an attack targeting your AC or PD, make a save (11+) to reduce the damage from that attack to zero. If the attack dealt fire damage, your save succeeds automatically.
When the damage negation of Ice Panzer triggers, reduce its cold damage by 10 points. After negating three enemy attacks, the effect ends. It also ends on a short rest.
While the Ice Panzer is active, it slows you down considerably. You take a -2 penalty to attacks and a -5 penalty to disengage checks.
Epic Feat: This power is now recharge 16+ after battle instead of daily.
Infernal Frenzy
Use these talents to build a Barbarian with demonic blood, a strong connection to the Diabolist, or another source of infernal corruption.
Corrupted Flesh - Adventurer
Your demonically corrupted flesh slowly regenerates. What grows back may look horrific, but at least you live on.
While you are staggered, roll a d12 at the start of each turn. If the result is equal to the escalation die or lower, heal 3 hit points per level. While raging, roll a d8 instead.
When you drop to 0 hp or below and fall unconscious while raging, make the regeneration check before rolling a death save. If you regenerate, ignore your current negative hit points; start from 0 and add the hit points you’ve regained. You can take actions normally that turn.
When you are hit by an attack that deals fire or acid damage, you cannot regenerate the next turn. If you have a positive relationship with the Diabolist, you do not suffer this weakness.
Adventurer Feat: Roll a d10 to check whether your regeneration activates, or d6 while raging.
Champion Feat: Heal 4 hit points per level.
Epic Feat: Substract 2 from the activation roll.
Corrupted Body - Adventurer
Through demonic heritage or corruption, you have grown natural weapons that count as one-handed martial melee weapons (d8 damage die). They can take any shape, such as claws, a spiked tail, horns or hooves. You gain a +1 bonus to attacks with them.
Two-Weapon Fighting: When using your infernal weapons, but no other weapons and no shield, you gain the principal advantage of two-weapon fighting as detailed in the Combat Rules chapter of the 13th Age core book. When you roll a natural 2 with a melee attack, reroll and take the second result.
When entering a rage, you mutate further. Roll a d8 and gain the mutation below for the duration of the rage.
- You can keep enemies close with a prehensile tail. They take a -5 penalty to disengage checks.
- Your claws rip deep wounds. On a critical hit, deal 5 points of ongoing damage. Increase to 10 points at 5th level and 15 at 8th.
- Goat hooves. Your jumping prowess gives you a +5 bonus to disengage checks.
- Your horns are engulfed in flame. Your melee attacks deal 1d4 extra fire damage. Increase to 1d8 at 3rd level, 1d12 at 5th level and 1d20 at 8th level.
- Your fangs secrete demonic poison. Your melee attacks deal 1d4 extra poison damage. Increase to 1d8 at 3rd level, 1d12 at 5th level and 1d20 at 8th level.
- The flesh of your arms is covered in heretic scripture. Your melee attacks deal 1d4 extra unholy damage. Increase to 1d8 at 3rd level, 1d12 at 5th level and 1d20 at 8th level.
- Your sweat can dissolve metal. Your melee attacks deal 1d4 extra acid damage. Increase to 1d8 at 3rd level, 1d12 at 5th level and 1d20 at 8th level.
- Barbed tentacles on your back give you extra reach. You can attack nearby enemies without engaging them.
If you have a positive relationship with the Diabolist, roll twice and take the result you like.
Adventurer Feat: Once per day when you spend a recovery to heal while not raging, you can gain one mutation from the table above until the end of the battle.
Champion Feat: Increase your attack bonus with your infernal weapons to +2.
Epic Feat: Increase your attack bonus with your infernal weapons to +3.
Corrupted Skin - Adventurer
Your skin is as thick as leather and has an unnatural complexion, anywhere between flaming red, pitch black and pestilent purple. Your unarmored base AC is 13, and you have resist fire and acid 12+.
When entering a rage, roll a d8. You gain the benefit from the table below until the rage ends.
- Flaming marks on your skin increase your fire resistance to 16+.
- Thicker leather increases your acid resistance to 16+.
- Diabolic markings give you resist holy and unholy 16+.
- Sweating, bleeding glands give you resist poison 16+.
- Wobbling pockets of fat give you resist damage from blunt weapons 16+ (example: maces, clubs, fists).
- Flames on your skin give you resist cold 16+.
- When an enemy hits you with a melee attack, it takes 1d4 poison damage from your infected pustules. Increase to 1d8 at 3rd level, 1d12 at 5th level and 1d20 at 8th level.
- When an enemy grapples, grabs or swallows you, it takes 2d4 damage from sharp, bony spikes on your skin. Increase to 2d8 at 3rd level, 2d12 at 5th level and 2d20 at 8th level.
If you have a positive relationship with the Diabolist, roll twice and choose the result you like.
Adventurer Feat: Once per day when you spend a recovery to heal while not raging, you can gain one mutation from the table above until the end of the battle.
Champion Feat: Increase your unarmored base AC to 14.
Epic Feat: Increase your unarmored base AC to 15.
Bursting Rage - Champion
You set your inner demon free with an uncontrolled scream.
When you start raging, make the following close-quarters attack as a free action.
Target: All nearby enemies
Attack: Constitution + Level vs. PD
Hit: 4d6 + Constitution psychic and fire damage.
Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level.
7th level: 5d8 damage
9th level: 6d10 damage
Epic Feat: You deal half damage to enemies if you miss.
Version: 1.2, 3 March 2017
Art credit: Maciejkuciara - Barbarian Chick
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